Singers with guitar
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From weddings to dinner events to dance evenings - singing always fits.
Singers with guitar wanted, and found!
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We have just started to build our platform in Great Britain, so some of the category pages will not show artists yet.
It is our goal to go live in the second quarter of 2022.
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Please take a quick look at our page for new artists, before you send us your application. Many thanks in advance.
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You organize an event and are looking for the right musical entertainment?
Singers with guitar wanted, and found!
We offer a wide range of musicians and artists in your region that you can book for your party, event or function.
On this page you will find a selection of singers with guitar we currently feature on the website. We have a larger network of artists in our catalog.
Our collection is being expanded daily, so if you haven’t found what you’re looking for yet, please check out our artist overview, or contact us directly.